I have some pics to post from our weekend and tonight, but that will have to wait until I feel like going into the basement to upload them. I am wondering for all of you Momma's of two what type of diaper bag do you use? I have been back and forth on so many over the last couple of weeks. I need help on a backpack style or messenger? I need it to be hands free due to always wrangling the tots. So please leave me your thoughts and suggestions.
i like this style just not sure of the colors
stopping by from jenna's....
your family is precious! i just recently had another baby. my girls are 8 weeks and just turned two. i dont carry a diaper bag for both of them anymore - it was just too much. i carry a diaper bag for the youngest and my two year old has a small (toddler size) bookbag that she carries (made by stephen joseph). it is small enough for her to carry herself (to church, in restaurants, etc) but large enough to fit diapers, wipes, a change of clothes and a snack.... good luck finding what works for you! :)
Swinging by from Jenna's! I use a tote, but I really like the one-shoulder backpack style that you can sling across or just on your shoulder. It was FANTASTIC when I was alone in the early months!
@ Amy... I would do that, but older guy doesn't walk yet and it would just end up on me! But thanks for the idea when he is there!
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