Friday, April 27, 2007

Finally, Friday... but what am I saying. This next couple of days will be a whirlwind :) Our house is mostly packed up. I promise when I get home from subbing I will post pics. Off to Milt land to encouage, mentor, and love our boys for another weekend. We have some very special stuff planned with them.

I do have some packing advice for those who are moving anytime soon! This comes from a wise lady who moved many times in her married life.

- Wash all rugs, curtains, blankets, and sheets the days leading up to the move
- Have the movers load the washer and dryer last
- Pack a suitcase of clothes that you can live off of for a week- this way you can survive if your moving truck gets lost
- Buy cleaning supplies, toliet paper, paper towels, and paper plates.. pack them in a box you can easliy identify and use as soon as you move.
- If you have children pack a suitcase of toys that you can be played with as soon as you move and maybe even buy a special toy to give them when you move.
- Label all boxes!

Just some helpful info!

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