Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

I am posting in a new color because this weekend it felt so much like spring! It was beautiful here and I opened my windows for the first time in a long time. Don't get me wrong I do love winter and the snow days that it brings. Not much happening so it was nice to just spend time at home and get a few little things done. Saturday night I got to have dinner with Super Sue my roomie from right before K and I got married! Oh those were the days... lots of secrets and way too much fun! Sunday we went to church and then drove to Maryland to meet up with the Malengo's

Courtney and Ray made a delicious dinner! We chatted, played Rock Band and Guitar Hero, caught up on married life and all of it challenges! We had a blast and wish we got to see them more!! Courtney and I have been friends since our Eastern Days and she was in my wedding! It was great to see their new place, which is adorable!! Off to another fabulous day at work!

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