Monday, September 28, 2009

25 weeks!

Last night was a total first for me and I will explain, but not in total detail! I had my first pregnant lady meltdown. I am sure these are going to come more and more frequently, but this is so out of character for me. I am not a cryer by any stretch of the imagination. The hub even said to me last night it is nice to see you break down every now and again it reminds me that you are not always so strong. That got me thinking and wondering if I am too strong.... do I not rely on my Heavenly Father enough. That comment I am sure will keep me thinking for the next couple of weeks. The meltdown was short lived and was over nothing major just these dumb baby showers!

On an completely different note we had a great weekend here in Pa just really rainy! I am so glad to see the sun today and it looks like this is going to be the warmest day of the week. Fall is officially coming in. I enjoy fall and all of the changes it brings. I know I need to post some belly pictures on here so all can see. I will try to take some soon, but I don't really have that big of one yet, but this little person is moving like crazy! Liz comes in on Wednesday and we get to hang out with her all weekend, which will be nice! Jenna and I are making our traditional applesauce on Saturday, which will be delightful! That is the best memory of fall!

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