Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just A Plain Old Day

I have to include one pic of the little man for the grandparents. Last night he was trying to hold his own bottle!

We have been working on some sleeping bootcamp here! Elijah is doing fabulously and I wouldn't expect anything less. He is the best little boy around! Last week he started to turn a corner on sleeping longer at night, which messed his daytimes up! So Monday, I started keeping him awake more and putting him down at regular times for a nap. I knew when I started this that I was going to be home most of the week, which has made all of the difference. It is working like a charm. He has started to take great naps during the day and we have such a happy baby in the evenings when we are heading out places! Overall, we have such a great little boy, but he just needed a little help on how to settle down.

Here in Pa we are expecting some more snow so we are going out tonight!! I went out yesterday for the first time in four days, which was very nice. I need to stock up on some movies I think before this snow hits. I am feeling a little behind in my movie watching. So here's to another snow storm!

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