Friday, November 16, 2012

A Rollercoster....

Well... yesterday was a roller coaster... Brinton is hanging out like a champ.  First thing we got in there and she was heavily sedated due to them moving her breathing tube.  So she was super out of it in the morning.  This was followed up by another spinal tap in late morning.  They did get fluid from this one and will be growing cultures from it.  The next step was to take out her breathing tube.  This is where we hit rock bottom... They tried and she didn't handle it well.  She basically was too weak to breath on her own.  This was super disappointing to us because we cannot hold her until she is off of that.  Needless to say I kind of broke down when the doc told us they couldn't get to breathe on her own.  She passed all tests leading up to the removal and they thought she was totally ready, but God had other plans to remind us to continue to trust Him!!! We are just reminded every minute that this is not our fight, but God's and that is totally the one we need to rely on. 

Our prayer needs:

- Fluid would show some type of growth for infection
- Kent and I would continue to cling to Him for all of our strength
- Elijah, Hudson, and Kelvie would continue to be healthy and adjusting to our current normal.
- Brinton would have full healing
- A baby that is in NICU who is connected to us through the BIC and all of her issues would be figured out. 

God is way bigger than this and I just have to rest in that!

1 comment:

Treesa said...

0oh lauren... my heart is just breaking for you right now... i can't even begin to imagine the emotional roller coaster you are on right now. your little brinton has been in my prayers constantly... and for God to continue to give you and Kent the strength to get through this stressful time.

Theresa O. (but previously Theresa S! ) :)